

Kochi University International Students Alumni Network

 Kochi University is aimed at revitalizing research and education and contributing to the local community and international society by the university’s internationalization and promotion of international exchange. As part of efforts to achieve these objectives, on November 15, 2009, the Kochi University International Students Alumni Network (Shanghai region, China) was launched. Kochi University established the first reunion association by alumni and graduates from overseas.

 In August 2010, a homecoming day was held at the university inviting the alumni association’s chairman, alumni from overseas, etc. In July 2011, the alumni association’s office was established in Shanghai Ocean University, which is one of the partner universities in China, and to which the alumni association’s chairman belongs.

 On November 20, 2014, the second International Students Alumni Network (Thailand) was launched in Thailand, which is one of the countries that conduct flourishing exchanges with Kochi University. Moreover, on March 6, 2015, the International Students Alumni Network (Northern Europe) was launched with the initiative of alumni of a partner university, the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.


矢印 Kochi University International Students Alumni Network (China)

矢印 Kochi University International Students Alumni Network (Thailand)

矢印 Kochi University International Students Alumni Network (Northern Europe)

矢印 Kochi University International Students Alumni Network (Three countries)

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